The vet at the clinic we used before was leaving and we didn’t like the waiting room mix of dogs and cats (unless we brought our pet cougar along for a dog meal). A neighbor recommended the Cat Care Clinic and we interviewed a staff member there. Despite having to deal with technician Tamara [joking!], we gave the clinic a try and have been there ever since. Besides being an all-cat practice (no iguanas or hedgehogs), the focus on cats assures a deeper knowledge, experience and appreciation of cats. The staff is cordial, professional and with a good sense of humor. ( important in all our relationships) Some of the staff provide fodder and targets for the observations without being (noticeably) offended. One of the vet’s name is Kat, obviously given by prescient parents! Such dedication or is it predestination?
The clinic’s support of the Dane County Humane Society is also a reason why we go. Also cat food, boarding, most tests are offered on-site. Further detailed analytical and timely feedback both during and after the visit, plus one can call with questions (no lawyer time clock). Making appointments are easy with choices of dates/times.
One of our best cats, out of 20, had a prolonged, difficult illness with hard to diagnose symptoms. Dr. Rodan worked diligently and patiently with him (even a home visit) to attend to the deteriorating illness. The eventual euthanasia was also performed sympathetically at our home. (We no longer have it done at the vet’s; too hard on both the cat and us).