Alaskan native, “Six”, was sadly separated from her owners for almost four years before a guardian angel reunited them, thanks to a microchip that she received as a young cat for permanent identification. This heartwarming story, told by her owner, is a pleasure to read. We are honored to know this courageous little kitty patient of ours, as well as her owners and furry siblings, at Cat Care Clinic. Enjoy!
Six went missing on March 23rd, 2011. I remember it specifically because it was the same night my mom had passed away. We looked for quite a while for her, but maybe not as diligently had we not been so distraught with my mom’s passing. We had her for quite a few years and she had never been gone for more than a couple of hours, so we assumed an owl or eagle had gotten her. We went on with our lives in rural Alaska for two more years without her, then moved to Wisconsin.
Miraculously, in November 2014, my sister called us in Wisconsin and said my brother had gotten a call from a veterinarian indicating they had found Six. How? In the summer of 2014, when my dad passed, my brother bought my parent’s house from the estate. When he went to get the phone service turned on again, he asked if my parent’s old phone number was still available and it was. Ironically, when we had adopted Six and registered her microchip, my parent’s information was listed as the second contact for emergency. If he had not got that same phone number turned on, we would never have been reunited with Six.
Six was brought into All Creatures Veterinary Clinic by a couple who had seen this little black cat hanging around their house for a while. They had a hard time catching her but with diligence they did. They then tracked her to us with that microchip information of my parent’s old phone number. This couple lived about 50 miles away from where we had lived in AK and so we are not sure how Six got so far away. If she had traveled herself, it would have been quite the journey as she would have had to cross 2 rivers to get there. Her journey will remain a mystery to us but are so extremely thankful that the couple had the compassion to help her.
The couple kept Six for about a week while I made travel arrangements to fly to Alaska to pick up Six and meet her guardian angels. She wasn’t very stressed out at all and traveled with me on the plane like a trooper. In a travel carrier underneath the seat in front of me she didn’t make a peep the whole time. It was an emotional reunion with my husband when we arrived in WI as well. She also remembered “her” dogs when she got here as well. She has always loved our dogs and it didn’t take her but a few hours to start cuddling with our dog, Stoli. She has acted like she has lived here with us this entire time.
Love that little cat and all of her resilience.

Lesson learned! Never give up and we will always keep their
microchip information updated no matter what.
Please ask us, or your veterinarian, about microchipping your cat (or any beloved pet) today! Such a simple, inexpensive procedure can result in heartwarming stories like this one, rather than heart breaking stories of the pets that never are reunited with loved ones.
****Special thanks to the family of Six for sharing their story and pictures****