Cat Training & Behavior
Cat habits like going out of the litter box, growling, and scratching up furniture are often signs of health trouble. Learn everything your cat wished you knew; they’ll make it up to you in purrs.

Ten things your cat wants you to know!
I like fleece more than any other bedding material. And there is research to prove that cats prefer fleece over […]

Adopting in pairs
Sometimes people might look at their adult or senior cat and start thinking, ”Gee, I bet she’d have more fun […]

Litter Mates
A visitor to our clinic once asked the following: “I have two litter mates that are 2 years old. They get along […]

Why cats don’t cry in pain
Pain is a basic sensation, an indicator of physical distress. To a small animal in the wild, the exhibition of […]

Are Cats Social?
Those of us that live with and love cats know that cats are different from dogs, people, and other species. […]

How do cats drink their water?
Ever wondered how cats lap up their water. Check out this great newsarticle from the New York Times. It’s an […]